Vampire Support’s Current Mission:
Raise awareness about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by putting together miscellaneous projects to encourage the world's youth to speak up for causes they believe in. All proceeds will go towards helping with the relief efforts. The vampire phenomenon has many fandoms and we believe every one of them can come together in a collaborative effort to help out with the Gulf crisis.
Thank you for your support!
Contact Info:

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ways To Help with The Oil Spill

I have had a lot of people asking me how they can help out with the oil spill. Here are a few of the things I came up with, feel free to leave a comment if you have any other ideas. Keep in mind I am not a blogger, therefore this may not be the best writing.

1.) Spread Awareness: This can be done by simply tweeting and retweeting about the oil spill. Any social networking site is a great way to help spread the news. You would be suprised how many people have been living under a rock these past couple of months. 

2.) DONATE: If you are able to donate, any amount of money helps. Even if you donate $1 it's something. Make sure you donate to a reliable website that will work quickly! Here are a few of the main sites that are taking donations:

3.) Volunteer Time: If you live in Loiusiana or any of the surrounding states that are being affected by the spill, you can donate time to helping with the clean up efforts. Whether it be helping with oiled birds, or just cleaning up local beaches, EVERYTHING helps. Keep in mind some areas are off limits for safety purposes, please contact The National Wildlife Federation for more information on how to volunteer.

State specific volunteer opportunities:

Volunteer Hotlines:
Report oiled shoreline or request volunteer information:
Submit your vessel as a vessel of opportunity skimming system:
(866) 279-7983 or (877) 847-7470

4.) Donate Hair: Believe it or not, hair soaks up oil. Contact your local pet stores, pet groomers, and hairstylist's and ask if they would be willing to donate hair to help with the clean up. Remind them that it's for a good cause and that it would be thrown away anyway. If they don't go for it, volunteer to ship the hair yourself. Here is a website with more information.

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