Vampire Support’s Current Mission:
Raise awareness about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by putting together miscellaneous projects to encourage the world's youth to speak up for causes they believe in. All proceeds will go towards helping with the relief efforts. The vampire phenomenon has many fandoms and we believe every one of them can come together in a collaborative effort to help out with the Gulf crisis.
Thank you for your support!
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Monday, November 1, 2010

Fans Interview Ian Somerhalder In Miami

Three lucky fans of The Vampire Diaries Theressa, Stephanie, & Cynthia - who also happened to be very excited about the environment - sat down with the wonderful Ian Somerhalder last weekend in Miami during the Hot Topic event. The videos below is part one and two and touch on some very important issues.

Thanks again girls for everything you're doing to help and sending us this video! We support you as much as you have supported us. Keep up the amazing work :)

-Amber and Chloe


  1. Great interview! I'm so glad you guys got to do this...Really well thought out questions. You will help make the new foundation a success!

  2. Fabulous interview! Ian is a man of the environment. Love him even more now. Go green.
    Yvonne Nicolas

  3. Congrats on the interview! And it's amazing and he's perfect! <3

  4. Congrats! Great interview! wanna see the second part, is really cool that young people care about this stuff and all that ian is doing.

  5. Good idea! He has a great influence on young people and it is good that he stands up for the environment :)

  6. Best phrase to describe him right now:
    "The people crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."
    by Apple Computers

    Really, really amazing interview!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You girls are amazing :) So does Ian. Is it just me or TVD family is the best fandom ever?
    Love the interview and all TVD fans out there.
    Together we Can make a difference! :)

  9. He is not just a beautiful face on TV... He is smart, intelligent and has great ideas about the environment and nature... Ian, you are good...

  10. It's a great interview. Whoa... You guys did this!

    It's amazing. Really solid questions too.

    And it's so cool of Ian to stop by and discuss these issues.

  11. Cool!!! Ian is the best "green guy" and hope more people listen to his ideas and make difference.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. great interview...congrats girs:)..hope the foundation will be successful, good luck with that. I´m looking forward to second part

  14. I stumbled upon this, and have to say I loved it! It's great you got together and were able to do this. By coming down and doing this interview, he's shown that he's true to his word and that it is important to speak up and stand up for the environment. We tend to forget how powerful we all can be, no matter where, who and how old we are! :)

  15. Congrats on a wonderful interview. Im so happy 2 know that there r people that care about the environment and wanna c it change 4 the better...Ian u r a beautiful person :)

  16. ооо какое отличное интервью....но не все понятно...)))

  17. That was a really good interview. Thank you very much Theressa, Stephanie, & Cynthia. I think we are really starting to get involved in different aspects of the environment and our own lifestyles. So Im very glad so see you girls using the rare opportunity to open further awareness. Because lets face it, when you see people you admire, celebrities or people standing really close to you, you´re listening harder. So once again. thank you. :)

  18. congrats! good joob, it is a pretty big deal that you got to have such a reckoned person for you interview. You'll be someone important one day. Keeep on doing this, you're good!!!

  19. congratulations girls, great interview. I bet Ian's buzzing so many younger people are getting involved. you all rock & you are our future. Its time to get involved & make a difference.

  20. Fantastic interview. Ian still sounds a little sick though. Poor guy. Runs himself ragged trying to save us all! <3

  21. Very well organized. Very proud if you girls (;

  22. Congratulations on a fantastic interview! It's wonderful to know that young people are being pro-active in terms of conserving the environment. Good choice with having Ian help you spread the word, he is committed and passionate about these important issues, and I admire him for standing up for his convictions. Keep up the good work, girls!

  23. Good job, impressive! This guy's a lover, a real one! Love that about him. I actually laugh when he said he was old, 32 ain't old on my book (I'm 10 less btw!) Love what he's doing and it's great to see that he actually have a great influence over younger people. You girls did a great job. When I saw the link I though it would be a silly interview with jokes and everything. But I was wrong. Good job and I suggest you guys to use more celebrities for it (they have more impact and a louder voice to the world!!- it's true - Keep doing it!!) High 5!

  24. wow good job girls:)

    and I do agree with ian:) we, the youth, (I'll still include myself since I am since in university.haha. still a student.) can still help without spending a lot. We can help conserve energy and save the environment in our own simple ways like what Ian said about turning off the tv or lights when not in used,etc. And also, there are a lot of clubs/organizations that have their events about saving the environment that we can volunteer in. Or you can simply attend these events and make yourself aware of what is happening to your environment:)

  25. great interview. If I was in the same room as Ian, I probably wouldn't be able to form a full sentence. He's just too hot. lol

  26. Really interesting! im proud of fans so young that dont just stalk and dream and live completly away from reality, this is a great interview, very smart. I cant wait for the next part. Where can i subscibe?

  27. wonderful interview with Ian :) I think it's wonderful that he is starting a foundation, and so committed to the environment and animals. On both sides I am very passionate about our environment and animals. What a passionate guy, thank you Ian for standing up, and giving your time for an interview. What a blessing to have you, in this world :) You are a beautiful person, both on the outside,and the inside, thank you.

  28. great interview....he is so cool...=)

  29. very interesting interview! Good job... you are amazing girl!

  30. Ohhh.. so lucky.. i would give Sooo much to meet Ian Somerhalder.. Ian?? Gome to Estonia! Please?? :)

    la verdad las envidio, sanamente!

    I LOVE HIM ♥

  32. how did they manage to interview ian ? and what country is tht in ? so many rumours that ian is dating nina dobrev?

  33. i think theyre dating, i mean, there are SOOOO many pics of ian and nina together....but none of paul and nina......ITS SOOOO OBVIOUS!!!!

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