Vampire Support’s Current Mission:
Raise awareness about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by putting together miscellaneous projects to encourage the world's youth to speak up for causes they believe in. All proceeds will go towards helping with the relief efforts. The vampire phenomenon has many fandoms and we believe every one of them can come together in a collaborative effort to help out with the Gulf crisis.
Thank you for your support!
Contact Info:

Monday, July 19, 2010


The first Vampire Support auction will go live Wednesday August 11th, 2010. This date IS subject to change, please keep that in mind. You MUST have an eBay account as well as PayPal in order to pay for these items. PAYPAL WILL BE THE ONLY PAYMENT ACCEPTED. All of the proceeds from the auction will be given to the National Wildlife Federation, with the exception of what the item costs to ship. The price of shipping will vary depending on country but will be stated in the auction beforehand. We will be able to provide proper documentation from NWF so you can ensure all proceeds are given to them. Their non-profit eBay account will also be hooked up to our auction items. We will be putting up items at separate times but we WILL keep an updated list of the items in our possession (and as they come in). That way you can keep track of the item(s) you would like to bid on! Each item will be up for 7 days. We may put up 10 items one day, and none the next, so keep your Twitter's handy and keep checking the eBay and blog! 
Happy bidding! -Chloe and Amber

Click here to view our eBay account.
(Nothing is on it yet, please be patient!)

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